Welcome to Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we are meeting. We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present, and the Elders from other communities who may be here today.'


Please find the current policies for the school. Please contact Kim at the school if you have any questions in relation to these.

Principal's Welcome

Tawonga Primary School is a small rural school of three classrooms serving the farming and tourist town of Tawonga in Victoria’s North East.  The mission of Tawonga Primary School is to educate students with the life skills necessary to achieve academic, social and emotional success. The school values are Support, Opportunity, Unity, Responsibility, Community and Excellence (SOURCE). This aim is achieved by providing a positive, caring environment where teachers and parents work in partnership. High expectation, meaningful activities, quality instruction in an orderly learning environment, and independent thinking are all paramount. These have been instrumental in maintaining high levels of success in literacy and numeracy over many years. Specialist programs include Art and Library delivered by a mobile service, Japanese, music, annual whole school production, swimming, snow skiing and camps. The school works cooperatively with other schools in the Upper Kiewa Valley Cluster to provide professional learning for staff as well as combined sporting events, camps and excursion for students.  

Vision Statement

A meeting place where student's lifelong learning begins and grows into a sustainable future.

Featured Article

Some staff at Tawonga Primary School are trained in MSL and Dyslexia.  Please speak to the Principal Kim to find out more about these programs. . 

Tawonga Primary School Kindergarten

Tawonga Kindergarten caters for both 3 and 4 Year Olds and runs on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Tours are most welcome.  

Keep Reading

Bushfire Management

Please click here to access information regarding bushfire Mangement for Tawonga Primary School.


Event Calendar

February 2025
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Australian Dyslexia Association


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