Physical Education

Our school has a specialist Physical Education Program which, over the year, encompasses ball skills, athletics, dance, gymnastics, games, swimming, skiing and the Prep- Year 2 Perceptual Motor Program (PMP).

Children need to wear appropriate clothing on Phys Ed days. A t-shirt, shorts/track pants and track shoes are preferred.


Year 3 to 6 children have the opportunity to take part in the school ski program. The program offers four lessons in either nordic,  or a mixture of nordic and downhill. The Junior School (Prep-Year 2) usually has an excursion to the snow each season.


The children are taught to swim by teachers and parents who are Austswim trained. The course followed is the Royal Life Saving Society's Swim and Survive Program which is recognised Australia wide.

All students participate in an intensive 'Aquatic & Swimming Skills' program in Term 4 at the Mount Beauty Swimming Pool.

We run a short 'Water Safety and Survival' program in Term 1 for all students. To complement the school program parents are encouraged to enrol their children in the Learn To Swim classes conducted at the Mount Beauty Swimming Pool during the January holidays.