Mount Beauty Primary School Council Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) provides an excellent service to support parents, carers and community members who require care for their children out of school hours. The service follows the National Quality Framework Guidelines and strives to provide a valuable educational and social experience for children in a friendly and recreational environment.
OSHC play-based programs cater for all primary students and encourage ‘active learning’ reflecting the centre’s philosophy that children learn best through active experiences with people, materials, events and ideas. Routines and activities are flexible to meet individual interests and social, emotional and physical needs of the children.
At Tawonga Primary School OSHC, hours of operation during term time are mornings from 6:00 am – 9:00 am, and afternoons from 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
During Pupil-free Day and Victorian School Holidays 6:30am – 6:30pm, Monday to Friday (at Mount Beauty Primary School OSHC)
The service is closed for three weeks during the Christmas and New Year period. Our OSHC services provides programs for children aged 3 years and up. Please see centre information below for more details.
If you wish to enrol your child at Outside School Hours Care (OSHC), please click here, and ensure you complete all fields required.
If you have any queries, please contact OSHC Manager Kathleen Lewinson on 0418 399 861 or email to
Casual Booking
If your child is enrolled in OSHC and you wish to make a casual booking, please click here.
Manager, Kathleen Lewinson: 0418 399 861
Tawonga Primary School OSHC: 0429 018 724